4: Apply To Join The Review Club Now

So, want to get weekly high quality paranormal romance books and support author’s work? Then simply fill in the below form to apply. You’ll need to provide a link to a review of one of our books which you have previously done (if you haven’t reviewed any of our books yet, see how you can still apply below this form):
contact ‘at’ saucyromancebooks . com
What If I Haven’t Yet Reviewed Any Of Your Books Yet?
That’s fine, you can still join by doing the following:
Simply go back to one of our books you’ve previously read (any of these) and post a review on one or two of them. Then add a link to that review in the above form.
We look forward to having you as part of the review club. 🙂
J A Fielding and Emmy (review club coordinator).
P.S. if you’ve any questions, simply reply to the email address I emailed you from and ask away. Alternatively, use the above form and fill ‘question’ in any section you’re asked to fill in but can’t.
< 1: Overview.
< 2: What you’ll get.
< 3: What’s expected of you.